JBA Motors, zuvor JBA Engineering Limited, ist ein britischer Hersteller von Automobilen.
Ken Jones, John Barlow und Dave Ashley gründeten 1982 das Unternehmen JBA Engineering Limited in Standish bei Wigan in der Grafschaft Greater Manchester. Sie begannen mit der Produktion von Automobilen und Kits. Der Markenname lautet JBA. Barlow verließ das Unternehmen wenig später. 2004 übernahm Tim Banwell das Unternehmen. Im gleichen Jahr endete die Produktion, und 2007 wurde das Unternehmen aufgelöst. GTS Tuning war ab 2005 im Besitz der Markenrechte, nutzte sie aber nicht.
2008 begann Bill Willcock mit Unterstützung seines Sohnes Matt mit der Entwicklung und 2011 im neuen Unternehmen JBA Motors in Norwich in Norfolk mit der Produktion neuer Fahrzeuge. Der Markenname wurde beibehalten. Insgesamt entstanden bisher etwa 1700 Exemplare.
Quelle: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/JBA_Motors
JBA Motors was a company based in Norwich, Norfolk that makes the JBA Falcon. The company was originally named JBA Engineering and the name came from the first letter of the surnames of the three partners who founded the firm, Kenneth Glyn Jones, John Barlow and David George Ashley. They were all engineers at British Leyland. John Barlow later left the company, but it was run by Ken Jones and Dave Ashley until 2004.
The first car was the JBA Falcon Roadster that went into production in 1982 (However, cars with model years as early as 1979 exist). In 1985 the JBA Javelin was introduced and the Falcon range was expanded with the JBA Falcon Plus Two. In 1988 the Falcon Roadster was replaced by the Falcon Sports. In 1990 the Falcon range was expanded with the Falcon Tourer that replaced the Falcon 2+2. In 1991 the JBA Falcon Sports SR, the first JBA car to use Ford Sierra as donor, was introduced. In 1994 the Falcon Tourer was replaced with Falcon TSR using Sierra parts.
Until end of July 2004 the company was run by Ken Jones and Dave Ashley and based in Standish, Greater Manchester. Tim Banwell bought the factory on 1 August 2004. In 2006 he announced that the company was for sale. In 2007 JBA Engineering went into administration.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JBA_Motors